• PeterJ @PeterJ Slough - updated 4y

    Possible Bug: Mentions vs Notifications

    [Warning to non- Tech Team users -- this is techy!] Not sure if this is a actually a bug, as I've only seen the one occurrence, but previous experience suggests it might well be...

    Someone mentioned me in a comment, but I received no notification. I mean I received no notification at all, for either the comment or the mention. I was only aware of the problem because another user placed another comment on the same thread, and I was notified about that, so I saw the comment containing my mention.

    Now, the most significant part is that the comment I received no notification about contained TWO mentions, first to another user, and later to me.

    I'm just wondering if the presence of more than one mention is causing the problem. ie firstly a mention overrides the comment notification, but then only the first mention generates a mention notification, the second one being ignored. That would certainly explain what I experienced this evening.

    It's tricky for me to try and recreate this without assistance, so for once I haven't tried.

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