• Alan F @AlanF Havering - updated 2y

    Members lying, how can it be stopped.

    Recently I have noticed an increase in a few members making false accusations about other Scooploop users. One has accused me of wanting to “beat him up” because I said I would like to meet him. I have personally met several members and every time we have enjoyed each other’s company.
    Another member, Jenny Smith is being lied about and bullied by the same person who childishly refers to her as IT. .
    This childish behaviour is not only bringing Scooploop in to disrepute but many, mostly females have now stopped posting.
    My solution in attempting to make Scooploop the great site it was and should be is to suspend any member caught lying or bullying for one week for offence and double that every time they commit another misdemeanour.

    This discussion is now closed.

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