• John H @JohnH6 Mod Westcliff-On-Sea - updated 7mo

    How to get scammed

    Never answer unknown/withheld number callers instead of waiting for them to leave a message, or investigating the number. We have never had a withheld caller that leaves a message! You can provide a mobile number to callers that you know use a withheld number.

    When you answer such calls, you are making it known that it is an active number, and that you will answer unknown callers. This could place you on a target list, or even have your number sold to scammers.

    One new reason to not answer such calls, is that your voice can be recorded and synthesized to make scam calls to obtain money from people that know you.

    Below are the things that you should never post on a public website such as this:

    1. A photo of yourself.
    2. Your email address.
    3. Your phone number.
    4. That you are on holiday, this especially applies to Facebook.
    5. Date of birth on Facebook

Scams of any type.

Post scams of any type. If it is not from personal experience, check its veracity if you can; Snopes.com is a good reference. I shall be posting IT scams as I become aware of them, and you of course, can do the same.