• Posted in: Anything !

    beatrice k @Beatricek Southgate - 1mo
    as Suzy P collected £216 last month from some of you who kindly helped me help rescued cats in need. This paid for a £190 vet bill for a poorly 8 year old cat and the difference went towards the fuel bill. Thank you also for the much appreciated large box of Sheba. Kitten wet food much needed. Fosterers and five star homes more than ever needed for rescued cats. This morning going to try to catch a very poorly scared cat that appeared in someone’s garden in N14 and take him to the vet’s then I will try to get some from N18 mosque that badly need help. The problem is what to do with them after vet visits? Unwanted owned cats on a daily basis. Thank you for your help I cannot do it alone. Equity release on house coming to an end…
  • Posted in: Anything !

    beatrice k @Beatricek Southgate - 2mo
    Thank you very much to those of you who contributed to last month’s donations totalling £45 kindly forwarded to me by Suzy P and a large box of Sheba sachets delivered to my house. The amount of cats in need of help is beyond ridiculous. Never one day without at least one demand of help to an unwanted, abandoned, abused or found cat. Right now i was hoping to find a fosterer for a very friendly young male tabby and white who must leave the vet’s having been neutered and virus tested, etc… but no luck and the poor cat will be back on the streets tomorrow. That is one thing i am not good at to put cats back where found after vet’s visits as there are too many of them and nowhere for most. People prefer to adopt kittens rather than cats and rarely keep them as family members for the rest of their lives. So i am forever moaning as rescuing cats is a never ending impossible challenge. It takes all the little energy Long Covid leaves me, all my money and time. I am aware of a 16 year old cat left in very poor condition outside the owner’s front door who does not want to bring him in and is not concerned about his needs and suffering. One example of cause of anger building inside me! Please if you can foster a cat or two do make contact asap.
  • Posted in: Anything !

    beatrice k @Beatricek Southgate - updated 6mo
    The situation is ridiculous! Cats in need of help everywhere. Worse by the day with the compliments of irresponsible owners. All my time and money and space taken by rescued cats. Sadly i can only help a very small fraction. First Xmas season without time to pop in for a drink when offered. No time for myself whatsoever. Long Covid still not helping my efforts. Suitable homes are rare. Suitable fosterers are rare. Thank you so very much to those of you who kindly help sending donations either via Suzy P or directly to me. Every £ helps. At present i feed at least 100 cats regularly distributing food to several garden and street feeders. Rarely one day without being notified of new ones to help at other locations. Wet food very much needed. May 2024 bring you all much good luck and peace !!!
  • Posted in: Anything !

    beatrice k @Beatricek Southgate - 8mo
    Who contribute to kind donations to help out the many cats in need i help. At present the situation is rather desperate. No space for all. No help for all. Busy non stop i no longer find time to describe some of the situation. Rehoming to people who have no intention of offering a forever home is mostly the cause of the problem and of course people who do not get their cats neutered.
  • Posted in: Anything !

    beatrice k @Beatricek Southgate - updated 11mo
    of you who have contributed to last month kind donations gathered by Suzy P totalling £215 to give many rescued cats whatever help i can. All starts at the vet’s. Sadly never one day without being made aware of cats in need of help. So many. Too many. Too many irresponsible owners who take on pets not being aware of or caring about their needs. Some rescues are not very demanding when rehoming and many pets go to unsuitable homes. Few have the kind and caring forever homes they deserve. Few are loved and spoiled as they should be. I am busy non stop helping as many cats and kittens as i can and it is a big challenge/struggle. Finding suitable fosterers and first class new homes is rare. Finding cats in need of help is non stop. Last month donations will help with fuel/transport cost. Next month more flea and worm treatments must be purchased as well as more food. Cat and kittens wet food always needed. One cat is on single protein food only to keep her in better health. Some need high protein content food. Feeding around 100 cats at present. All given wet food. Thank you for caring

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