• Lesley A @Lesley4 Mod Frant - updated 4y

    Welcome to this group.

    Welcome to our newest members. The group has been very lively in the past but sadly I think most of us have had our attention focused elsewhere lately. I know I’ve had to compromise on buying stuff regardless of packaging lately. Needs must. But in other ways have been forced into living a healthier, more sustainable life - driving much less, growing more fruit and veg, composting more. I have been more aware and appreciative of nature, on my own doorstep. Here’s a few photos taken on my recent walk.

Save The Planet

This planet is dying and we are all acting too slowly. Thoughts, debates & suggestions on how we can act FAST and attempt to save the planet. No business posts or posts unrelated to saving the planet will be accepted and posters will be removed from the loop.