• Lily G @LilyG Earlsfield - 4y

    Saturday 20th July 10.20am – 11.30am Portuguese story time and poetry

    Meet the poet Natan Barreto, author of five collections of poetry and listen to Portuguese stories read by Ana Lubas from Sabia Duvida, Portuguese Language School. All ages.

    During the school summer holidays, libraries organise Summer Reading Challenge to encourage children to come in the library and borrow books. This year the theme is called 'Space Chase', to celebrate Apollo's Moon Landing.

    Come and sign up for the challenge, borrow 6 books, get a folder, smelly stickers, wrist band, medal etc and a certificate at school.

    Wandsworth Town library also run free regular rhyme time sessions on Tuesdays at 9.45am and 2 pm. Story times are for older children 2 - 5 year old on Fridays at 10 am.
    Wandsworth Town Library(@LibraryTown)/Twitter


Neighbourhood loop for Earlsfield, Greater London