• Ryan T @RyanT St Albans - updated 5mo

    Personal Pendant Fall Alarms

    Has anybody had experience with these ?
    Do they work ? Is the response good and help quick to arrive ?

    They look an expensive proposition. Prices vary a lot, but an annual cost of £200-£300 is a general average with a set-up cost of £40-£60. Then their seems to be a problem with digital telephone supply as against traditional analogue. A digital pendant is much more costly.
    The alarm results in the team phoning your chosen contact or the emergency services, that is all.
    1. Your contact may not often be available, at work, on holiday etc.
    2. The emergency services could take 2-3 hours or more to arrive.
    3. Is the talk volume adequate to hear ?
    Meanwhile you are left laying on the floor, possibly in pain.

    £260-£360 is a very expensive telephone call indeed.
    It seems to me easier and infinitely more inexpensive and convenient to simply carry your mobile phone around with you in a pocket.

    Your comments are welcome.

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