• Lesley A @Lesley4 Mod Frant - updated 4y

    New Year’s Resolutions

    I used to think that New Year resolutions were a bit of a jokey thing - great to end the year in reflective mode, giving yourself a bit of a talking to, and resolving to do better - but ultimately I didn’t take them too seriously. That’s all changed for me. Now, along with being thinner and fitter there’s a newer more pressing resolution,which isn’t a joke, and that’s to help fight climate change. Small steps must count for something. My 4 New Year Resolutions are: To campaign more - write letters to council and Govt, use Twitter to query things with retailers. (Diana W and Krista set a good example here) To be more diligent in my buying habits. To drive less and not fly at all. To be more self sufficient in garden and compost more. Oh and eat less and exercise more!! Anyone else got any climate related resolutions?

Save The Planet

This planet is dying and we are all acting too slowly. Thoughts, debates & suggestions on how we can act FAST and attempt to save the planet. No business posts or posts unrelated to saving the planet will be accepted and posters will be removed from the loop.