• Derek R @DerekR Iver Heath - 2y

    Management decisions

    The manager was in a bit of a quandary. He had to fire one of his employees strictly for financial reasons and was having a tough time deciding who it would be. Finally he had it narrowed down to either Debra or Jack, since they both had spouses in good positions and they would have the least trouble of all the employees financially. Instead of a coin toss, he decided that the first one to go to the water cooler would be the one who got the axe. Debra came in early that morning with a huge hangover from partying all night and getting no sleep, and naturally she goes straight to the water cooler to rehydrate.
    The manager sighs and goes over to her. "Debra" he says, "I've never done this before, but I have to lay you or Jack off".
    Debra looks at him and says "Well, could you Jack off? I've got a terrible headache".

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