• Derek R @DerekR Mod Iver Heath - 3y

    Go Behind the Scenes With Forensics

    Ever wondered what a police forensics department is really like? Now is your chance to find out.

    Kay Hannam, Head of Forensic Services and Will Davies, County Forensic Manager are going to be taking your questions and talking about their jobs and the roles of their team in a Facebook live event at 7pm on Thursday 1 October.

    From crime scene attendance to evidence analysis through to crime scene reconstructions, the forensic department are more than what you may have seen on TV or in films. There are so many roles and teams, all applying science to policing and supporting crime investigations across the Thames Valley.

    Join us at www.facebook.com/thamesvp from 7pm on Thursday 1 October. You don’t need a Facebook profile to watch the event but you do to submit a question.

    If you would like to ask a question but don’t have a Facebook account then just send a reply to this alert with your question and we’ll try and answer as many as we can on the night.

    Hopefully you'll be able to tune in and we look forward to giving you an insight into the world of forensics.

    Message Sent By
    Luke Stratford (Police, Comms, HQ South)

Iver Heath

Neighbourhood loop for Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire