• Forgotten to buy something!!!!!

    Well yes but do not despair ---here is the solution.

    Vinegar is an easy and effective way to disinfect and clean-- dentures naturally. The acid in the vinegar dissolves tartar that has built up on dentures over time. To make this natural cleaning solution at home, combine equal parts of white distilled vinegar and warm water. Let your dentures soak in the solution for at least 30 minutes or overnight for best results. Be sure to rinse the dentures completely before re-inserting them into your mouth.
    For partial dentures soak them in the vinegar solution for only 15 minutes once a day. This short amount of time will still soften build up on the dentures without damaging the metal clasps on the partial dentures.

    Soak your denture brush in a bleach/water solution. You should soak your denture brush in a half bleach/half water solution once a week to prevent the growth of bacteria. Rinse the brush thoroughly before using it on your dentures.

    Do not re-use the vinegar solution as it now contains debris from stains, tartar, bacteria, and whatever else was on your dentures.

    You also can use bleach, purchase bleach especially designed for cleaning dentures. Then take about a teaspoon of the bleach dissolved into one cup of water and soak your dentures about 15 minutes in this solution. It should do the same thing as the vinegar solution, although the bleach might dissolve the tartar a little better than the vinegar would. Rub the dentures with a denture brush to clean away the tartar.

    And A happy Christmas to you all.

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