• Derek R @DerekR Mod Iver Heath - updated 3y

    Doctor Christopher

    Looking at the posts on here, it doesn't yet appear to be public knowledge that the person purporting to be Dr. Chris(topher) has left Scooploop.

    It is believed that it was someone without medical training who was masquerading as a real doctor. This, if true, meant that any medical advice proffered by the fake doctor would be dangerous and at the same time illegal.

    Whilst I know of at least one case of him(?) making an illegal diagnosis in the public arena, there may have been others made via PM which only the recipients would know about. I urge you to ignore anything you were advised to do/take as it could be dangerous to your health. I would further urge you to contact Scooploop to advise them of what has happened and to suggest that they pass the details to the police for criminal investigation.

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