• John H @JohnH6 Mod Westcliff-On-Sea - updated 1y

    Clicking links on Scooploop and elsewhere

    If you ever have doubts about a website address/link/file, go to Virustotal.com , select the appropriate tab . It will then be scanned by about 80/90 virus checkers. Checking a website or link will show the number of positive/negative results. When you have the result, you can click the details tab to see where the link will take you. You can then make up your mind if you want to go there. I have attached screenshots of the detection tab and the details tab. A few positives can be ignored, but that is up to you. These are the results of scanning the following link: https://www.scooploop.com/thread/the-shocking-impact-of-domestic-cats-on-wildlife.

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