• Derek R @DerekR Iver Heath - updated 2y

    Car Theft

    At 23:24 on Monday 5th July my wife said that she wasn't sure what was happening across the road as there were 2 cars and at least one person with a torch.
    By the time I looked out there was just one car there, a mini.

    As my neighbours opposite were away for a holiday, I was keeping an eye on their house, popping in, dealing with the post, opening and closing curtains etc..

    As I went over to open the curtains on Tuesday 6th of July, I looked at the car parked there. It was a very smart vehicle, but the wheel arches at the front were missing. When I got back indoors, I had a look on my Ring doorbell recordings. I could see the mini, plus the car in front - also a mini.

    The penny dropped. The car in the road had been stolen and cannibalised. So I called the police on 101, giving them the details.

    This Tuesday, a week after my call, I rang 101 again. This time to ask if my previous call had been recorded by them as nothing has happened with the car, not even a "Police Aware" sticker.

    I had spoken to my next door neighbour, who is more car savvy than myself. He told me that the car was worth between £30k and £35k.

    So far the police have not been near the vehicle, they have not contacted me and appear not to be doing much to let the victim know his vehicle, whilst not intact, is in reasonably good condition. I am guessing, that he/she is probably quite heartbroken at "losing" their vehicle and would welcome news that it is comparatively safe. Similarly, the insurance company would be relieved.

    Iver Heath and surrounding areas are covered by ANPR cameras. How easy would it be firbthe police to look up the time the car hit their cameras and check all other minis passing the same camera at a similar time. That would be a major clue to solving who stole it. Add to that any finger prints or DNA on the vehicle for ensuring a good prosecution. But there is nothing happening. I suspect that all the time the car has been abandoned it has been unlocked, so in theory anyone else could tamper with it!

    I am very disappointed with Thames Valley Police over this matter.

Anything !

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