• Lonicera @Lonicera Oxshott - updated 2y


    Every year 50 billion animals are raised in gruesome factory farms -- pumped with powerful antibiotics to keep them alive and make them grow faster.

    It's a horror show for the environment and animal welfare -- but a paradise for pathogens to mutate, multiply and jump to humans. Scientists predict that by 2050, 10 million people could die from superbug infections every year.

    But we can help to change that.

    McDonald's is the world's largest beef purchaser -- and it's deciding new antibiotics policies right now. If we push McDonald's to ban them, it could then shift the whole industry towards more sustainable farming.

    Let's make it happen! There's almost nothing McDonald's cares about more than its public image -- so if millions of us raise our voices, we could push the meat giant to slash antibiotics and help stop the next superbug pandemic. Sign now and pass this on, fast:
    Tell McDonald's: Ban beef antibiotics now!
    Factory farms are all about producing tons of fast, cheap meat -- but it wouldn't be possible without massive amounts of antibiotics. Already over 70% of the global supply is used on farm animals!

    The result is that pathogens can become resistant to even our most powerful antibiotics. Left unchecked we could land in a world where common infections and routine operations become deadly -- because we'd be powerless in the face of superbugs.

    To protect ourselves, we have to drastically cut the use of antibiotics on farms. McDonald's is considering it's policy right now, and if millions of us speak up, we could inspire the giant to lead the world.

    It's worked before. After massive public pressure, McDonald's banned the use of antibiotics for its chickens in 2016, setting off a chain reaction throughout the industry. Now let's do it again! Add your voice and pass this on:
    Tell McDonald's: Ban beef antibiotics now!
    With fierce hope and determination,

    Mike, Spyro, Anneke, Luis, and the whole team at Avaaz

    Coronavirus: Industrial animal farming has caused most new infectious diseases and risks more pandemics, experts warn (The Independent)

    The meat we eat is a pandemic risk, too (Vox)

    McDonald's to curb antibiotic use in its beef supply (Reuters)


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