• Elizabeth S @LizS3 Billericay - updated 9mo

    advice in applying for a Blue Badge

    I am attempting to apply for a Blue Badge from Essex, as my husband is now not able to walk very far, and I am the driver, now.
    However, for the forms that I want to download and use (and even to use online), I am expected to register and subscribe with pdffiller for an upfront fee - in dollars - for a 30 day trial (I then can cancel). This can't be correct - the dollar thing is a clue!!!
    I have tried several ways in, but this comes up every time for Essex.
    I have emailed the Blue Badge department but the automatic reply indicates that there may not be a reply for some time! There is no telephone number I can use; the office is in Colchester, and not Chelmsford, so I can hardly call in!!
    Any thoughts?

Anything !

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