SuperFunGuy's Quizzes
A group specifically designed to offer enjoyable quizzes on many different subjects including identifying SuperFunGuy sketches and other drawings, pictures or photos of, for example, famous people when they were young, unusual things, animals, objects close up, etc. Any member who uses the loop to advertise goods or services will be instantly removed.
Open Loop 376
This one aims to stretch your knowledge of royal family history. Below are pairs of English or British Monarchs. Your challenge is to guess the relationship of one to the other. So, for example, to George V – Elizabeth II the answer would be Grandfather – Granddaughter. Below is a chart which may assist you to identify the relationship. Good luck.
1. William I – Stephen …
2. William II – Henry II …
3. Richard I – Edward I …
4. Edward I – Edward III …
5. Richard II – Henry IV …
6. Edward VI – Elizabeth I …
7. Mary I – James I …
8. William III – Mary II …
9. Queen Anne – George I …
10. George III – Victoria …
11. Edward VIII – Charles III … -
Can you identify the only European country which:
1.has roads with no speed limits
2.borders both Poland and Hungary
3.doesn't have mosquitos
4.has one billionaire per 10,000 citizens
5.uses the Lev as its currency
6.has an orange stripe on its flag
7.has the death penalty
8.doesn't have an "A" or "E" in its name
9.has a capital whose name starts with K
10.has an average elevation above 1,500 meters
11.has a trillion dollar sovereign wealth fund
12.Is ruled by a seven-person council
13.is doubly landlocked
14.is an absolute monarchy
15.gets 40% of its power from wind
Just post your guesses. -
Top UK go-to restaurants (Edited)
Everyone (well many of us anyway) has their favourite ‘go to’ restaurant. A recent poll of 7,500 people in the UK produced a list of the top 10 restaurant chains as per the poll. Can you guess which chains they were? Just post your guesses.
PS. I suspect that those polled may well be fairly young and based in a large city or town - especially Greater London. -
Following on from the last quiz:
1. Which country has the longest long name? You can answer with the short name.
2. Which European coutry is the only country whose long name does not include its short name either in whole or in part? -
Most Common Words in Official Country Names Quiz (Edited)
Countries have short names and long names (e.g. Commonwealth of Australia). Can you guess the 10 words that appear at least five times in the official long names of the countries of the world? Below shows the total number of occurencies and the number in the continent which has the most. Just post your guesses.
Africa (50) - Of
Africa (47) - Republic
Europe (7) - Kingdom
Africa (5) - The
Asia (5) - Democratic
Asia (3) - State
North America (4) - And
Africa (3) - Federal
Asia (4) - People's
North America (2) - United -
Sixteen clues to the name of a city in Italy. Just post your guesses.
1.Capital of Piedmont. Headquarters of Fiat.
2.Where Dante and Machiavelli were born
3."Romeo and Juliet" was set here
4.Christopher Columbus's hometown
5.Capital of Sicily
6.Home of the world's oldest university, founded in 1088
7.City that gives its name to a type of ham and a type of cheese
8.The largest city in Italy's heel
9.Easternmost city in northern Italy
10.Capital of Sardinia
11.Birthplace of Galileo Galilei
12.City near Switzerland that is on a lake of the same name
13.Sicilian city which was once the largest Greek colony
14.Formerly part of Austria, it was the site of an ecumenical council in the 1500s
15.Capital of the Roman Empire during its dying days which is known for its mosaics
16.City in Italy's heel which was the southern terminus of the Appian Way -
Who has the record for having won the most Oscars? They've won 22 and the next highest won 11.
Sixteen single clues to the name of a country. Just post your guesses.
1. Suffered a 9.0 earthquake in 2011
2. Located mostly on the peninsula of Jutland
3.About 750,000 people migrated from this country to Germany in the 2010s
4.Despite misconceptions, Alexander the Great was not born here
5.Its national anthem is "God Bless the Sultan"
6.The only country in Central America with English as an official language
7.Has more llamas than any other country
8.Connected via bridge to Saudi Arabia
9.Country that is 27% Shia, 27% Sunni, 41% Christian, and 5% Druze
10.Composed of Bohemia, Moravia, and part of Silesia
11.Its language can be written in Bokmål or Nynorsk forms
12.Broke away from Ethiopia in 1993
13.Has the highest percentage of territory below sea level (26%)
14.Formerly known as the Gilbert Islands, this country spans all four hemispheres
15.Sandwiched between Togo and Nigeria
16.World's largest landlocked country -
What is the word used fo the prongs on a fork or the grooves on a ceramic tap gland?
Today I’m looking for the 20 countries (UN Member States) that have the coldest average annual temperature. Just post your guesses a few at a time.
Below are the names of 11 Roman Gods – can you name the Greek equivalent? Just post your guesses a few at a time.
11.Faunus -
Ten well known sporting events but when was the event first held? Just post your guesses with a list of all 10 events in the order you think they took place starting with the earliest. Just put them in order – I’m not looking for the actual year.
FA Cup Final
Test match in England
Open Golf Championship
Formula one world championship race
Winter Olympics
Modern Olympics
Professional Snooker Championship
Grand National -
Majority Catholic Countries of the EU sudden death quiz
Below is a list of all the EU member states. What you have to do is guess which of them are majority Catholic countries (there are 11 in total) – so you have to provide 11 names in a list in one post. BUT ensure that you start with those you are certain are correct and leave any less certain names to the end because the winner will be the answer whose list contains the most correct names until an incorrect one appears (or whose list contains all 10 correct answers of course). I hope this is clear but do let me know if you are uncertain.
Lithuania -
County towns sudden death quiz
The list of English cities/towns below contains 10 which are county towns. What you have to do is guess which they are – so you have to provide 10 names in a list in one post. BUT ensure that you start with those you are certain are correct and leave any less certain names to the end because the winner will be the answer whose list contains the most correct names until an incorrect one appears (or whose list contains all 10 correct answers of course). I hope this is clear but do let me know if you are uncertain.
Winchester -
Mammals names sudden death quiz
The list below of 20 animals contains 10 which are mammals. What you have to do is guess which ones are the mammals – so you have to provide 10 names in a list in one post. BUT ensure that you start with those you are certain are correct and leave any less certain names to the end because the winner will be the answer whose list contains the most correct names until an incorrect one appears (or whose list contains all 10 correct answers of course). I hope this is clear but do let me know if you are uncertain.
Anole -
Most common surnames sudden death quiz
The 10 most common surnames in the UK are included in the list of 20 names below. What you have to do is guess which of the names appears in that top 10 – so you have to provide 10 names in a list in one post. BUT ensure that you start with those you are certain are correct and leave less certain names to the end because the winner will be the answer whose list contains the most correct names until an incorrect one appears (or whose list contains all 10 correct answers of course). I hope this is clear but do let me know if you are uncertain.
Thomson/Thompson -
Dollar currencies sudden death quiz
A lot of countries have a currency in Dollars (not just linked to eg the US$) some of which are included in the list below. These are mixed with 10 countries that do not use Dollars as their unit of currency. What you have to do is guess which the non-Dollar currency countries are – so you have to provide 10 countries in a list in one post. BUT ensure that you start with those you are certain are correct and leave less certain names to the end because the winner will be the answer whose list contains the most correct names until an incorrect one appears (or whose list contains all 10 correct answers of course). I hope this is clear but do let me know if you are uncertain.
Dominican Republic
Marshall Islands
FS of Micronesia
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands
Trinidad and Tobago
Zimbabwe -
China’s neighbours sudden death quiz
Something a bit different. China has a land border with 14 countries all of which are included in the list below. What you have to do is guess which they are – so you have to provide 14 countries in a list in one post. BUT ensure that you start with those you are certain are correct and leave less certain names to the end because the winner will be the answer whose list contains the most correct names until an incorrect one appears (or whose list contains all 14 correct answers of course). I hope this is clear but do let me know if you are uncertain.
North Korea
South Korea
Myanmar -
Today I’m looking for the 12 traditional birthstones according to the International Gem Society website. The December birthstone has two stones – either would count. You don’t have to relate the birthstone to the actual month. How many can you guess?
Most populous non-capital cities
I'm looking for the ten most populous urban areas that aren't the capital city of their country. Just post your guesses.
Countries with the most oil reserves quiz
I’m looking for the ten countries that have the highest level of oil reserves. How many can you guess?
All you have to do in this one is to guess what it is that links the three things. If there should be more than one valid reason you have to get the one I had in mind. Just post your guesses.
Today I'm looking for the 20 most-followed Twitter users. The list below shows what to expect - how many followers and singer/politician etc. Just post your guesses.
PS. I'm not expecting you to match your guess to any particular place in the list.
1. 202 m Billionaire
2. 132 m Politician
3. 113 m Athlete
4. 110 m Singer
5. 109 m Singer
6. 106 m Singer
7. 103 m Politician
8. 95.2 m Singer
9. 91.7 m Politician
10. 85.3 m Singer
11. 83.3 m Govt. agency
12. 83.0 m Singer
13. 79.8 m Website
14. 75. 3m Reality star
15. 73.9 m TV host
16. 68.6 m App
17. 65.9 m Actress / singer
18. 65.7 m Billionaire
19. 65.4 m Athlete
20. 64.9 m TV station -
Most popular girls’ names quiz
Had to follow up with this one. I’m looking for the twenty most popular girls’ names in the UK in 2023 (according to the BBC website). How many can you guess?
Oddly enough, the 20th name is again another example of one of which I can't personally recall anyone using. -
I’m looking for the twenty most popular boys’ names in the UK in 2023 (according to the BBC website). How many can you guess?
Cities that Beat New York Quiz
I’m looking for the names of any world city which ranks higher than New York City in each of the following respects. How many cities there are to name is given in brackets. Just post your guesses.
1. Most populous urban area in the Americas (1)
2. Northernmost megacity with urban population > 10 million (4)
3. Most skyscrapers (1)
4. Oldest continuously-inhabited city in the 50 states of the U.S.(6)
5. Most airport passengers (counting all airports serving the city) (1)
6. City with the most valuable sports franchise (hint: the most valuable is an NFL team) (1)
7. Most populous city in the U.S. in 1776 (1)
8. Most metro rail stations (3)
9. Most populous urban area whose city centre is on an island (4)
10. Urban area with the most Jewish people (1)
11. Urban area with the earliest pizza restaurant (3)
12. Most populous urban area which was once a Dutch colony (1) -
Longest running West End musicals
I'm looking for the names of the 10 longest-running West End musicals. How many can you name? Just post your guesses.
Elements in the human body Quiz
There are 11 elements whose presence in the human body is essential to life. How many can you name? Just post your guesses.
Most "Underpopulated" Countries quiz (Edited)
Twenty countries are considered to be the mostly "underpopulated" based on how many people they would have to add before their population density was the same as the global average? How many can you guess?
Countries with the Highest Obesity Rate Quiz
Can you name the 20 countries of the world where the highest % of adults have a Body Mass Index of 30 or greater? Just post your guesses
For each adjective below can you name the animal type to which it relates? Just post your guesses.
1. Ursine
2. Ovine
3. Apian
4. Asinine
5. Corvine
6. Anserine
7. Simian
8. Taurine
9. Vulpine
10. Cygnine
11. Caprine
12. Murine
13. Vermian
14. Anguine -
Four letter world capitals quiz
There are 14 capital cities of UN member states which have only 4 letters. How many can you name? Just post your guesses.
Which countries beat Japan quiz
Your challenge is to identify the countries which rank higher than Japan in relation to the statements given. How many countries beat Japan in each case is indicated. How many of all of them can you guess?
1. Largest economy (PPP) - 3
2. Most earthquake deaths in the 21st century - 7
3. Lowest obesity rate - 6
4. Most populous island country - 1
5. Oldest average age - 1
6. Most people to run a marathon in less than 2:10 - 2
7. Highest number of active volcanoes - 2
8. Highest life expectancy - 2
9. Most tropical cyclones striking the country since 1970 - 4
10. Most restaurants with a Michelin star - 1
11. Lowest murder rate since 2000 - hint: the answer country didn't have any murders - 1
12. Most common destination for Chinese tourists (2023) - 1
13. Flag that is the highest percentage white - 2
14. Highest % of population living in an urban area of more than 1 million - 4
15. Number of "extra" women, defined as the female population minus the male population - 2
16. Highest current account balance (exports minus imports) - 2 -
There are 6 countries whose ordinary name is made up 50% of the same letter (a vowel in each case) – as in Banana for example. How many can you name?
Seventeen actors/actresses have achieved 8 or more Academy Award nominations for best or supporting actor/actress. How many can you name? Just post your guesses.
I’m looking for the 20 most common verbs in the English language (Based on the Corpus of Contemporary American English) – how many can you name?
- Modal verbs such as would, could, or shall are not included
- Conjugations such as swim, swam, and swum are grouped together -
Islands quiz (Edited)
Twentyfour clues to the name of an island. How many can you name? Just post your guesses.
1.Largest island in the world (not counting Australia or Antarctica) - Greenland
2.Largest Caribbean island - Cuba
3.Largest island in the Mediterranean - Sicily
4.Most populous Caribbean island - Hispaniola
5.Smallest island nation - Nauru
6.Southernmost major island of the Caribbean - Trinidad
7.Island shared by the most countries (3) - Borneo
8.Largest island in Canada - Baffin Island
9.Largest island in the U.S. - Hawaii/The Big Island
10.Largest Balearic island - Mallorca
11.Largest Canary island - Tenerife
12.Largest island in Greece - Crete
13.Most populous island in the world -Java
14.Most populous island of Europe - Great Britain
15.Largest island in the Indian Ocean - Madagascar
16.Island that contains the most populous urban area
17.Largest volcanic island which was formed from volcanic activity - Iceland
18.Largest island of the Philippines - Luzon
19.Most populous island in the U.S.
20.Most populous island in French Polynesia
21.Largest island of China (not including Taiwan) - Hainan
22.Most densely populated island in the U.S. - Manhattan
23.Island with the highest mountain - New Guinea
24.Most populous island in a river -
Oldest settled world capitals quiz (Edited)
Among current world capitals, which are believed to have had a continuous urban settlement for the longest period of time? I'm looking for the 10 oldest cities. Below is a very rough indication of how far each of the 10 cities dates back. Just post your guesses.
before 1300 BC - Beirut
before 1300 BC - Damascus
before 1300 BC - Jerusalem
before 1300 BC - Athens
before 1000 BC - Ankara
1050 BC - Nocosia
1045 BC - Beijing
782 BC - Yerevan
753 BC - Rome
600s BC - Tripoli