• Winter Security Check

    The clocks have gone back and the nights are getting darker earlier which is a good time for residents to reassess their home security.

    National figures show burglary often goes up across the country after the clocks go back in the winter.

    A winter review of home security for residents should start with identifying why criminals or distraction burglars target certain homes.

    This can include disability aids on the outside of homes, a visible key safe, overgrown gardens or anything else which can indicate a vulnerable or elderly person might live there.

    Deterrents could include considering visible burglar alarms, security lighting, CCTV and CCTV doorbells.

    Unexpected visitors should not be let into homes without identification being independently verified to prevent distraction burglaries which can ¬happen any time of the day. ¬

    Professional callers will not use generic company names like “the water board” and will not harass or fluster a resident who wants to check the validity of a visit.

    Other simple preventative measures residents can take include locking uPVC doors with the key at night, not just lifting up the handle, which does not prevent entry to a determined thief, shutting windows and securing shed and garage doors. Those who have a burglar alarm should set it at night as well as when leaving the house.

    Other deterrents include putting lights on timer switches when not at home, keeping car keys away from the front door to prevent thieves reaching through the letterbox, or using a Faraday bag to block the signal of keyless car entry systems.

    If residents have sentimental jewellery or large quantities of cash keep it in a secure, bolted down safe, or in a bank. Bedrooms are the first place thieves look for hidden jewellery however hidden someone thinks it is.

    Cllr Mohammed Nazir, cabinet member for housing and community safety, said: “We don’t want anyone to be scared, we want people and their possessions to be safe by taking some reasonable precautions which make your home less desirable or easy to burglars.

    “These measures may seem simple but we forget to implement them which is the weakness criminals are looking for.

    “In addition, if you have elderly or vulnerable neighbours or family members have a talk with them and remind them of these measures which could prevent them from becoming a victim of crime.”

    Other crime prevention measures to be reminded of include:-
    *shutting windows when not in a room accessible to people walking by
    *locking front doors with a key when out of the house or asleep
    *not leaving boxes from new purchases on display outside the house
    *be cautious giving details online
    *don’t answer unexpected emails or texts especially those offering refunds or rebates
    *mark and take pictures of expensive property like laptops, jewellery and bicycles
    *beware of anyone claiming to be from generic entities like the water or electric board as there is no such thing. Some companies like Thames Water operate a doorstep password scheme for any customer. More information here - https://www.thameswater.co.uk/help/extra-care/bogus-callers

    This is also a good time to check smoke alarms and consider a fire evacuation plan: https://www.rbfrs.co.uk/your-safety/fire-safety-advice-and-brochures/

    For more information about crime prevention measures please visit http://www.slough.gov.uk/crime-prevention-and-emergencies/crime-prevention-advice.aspx or Thames Valley Police here https://www.thamesvalley.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention/.


Neighbourhood loop for Burnham, Buckinghamshire