• Robert G @RobertG Battersea - updated 4y

    Weekend Brunch Treat

    Unusually the Avo here isn’t smashed & the egg is Pink ... A Beetroot Pickled Egg, totally delicious but for some weird, anyway it’s delicious so do give it a go.

    1 Avocado
    30g Sweetcorn Salsa – Google one but basically some diced Red Pepper with Tinned Sweetcorn
    30g Feta
    ½ Grilled Lime
    1 Beetroot Pickled Egg cut in half - see below
    3 large sprigs of Coriander
    Salt & Pepper
    Slice of Toasted Sourdough

    This is basically an assembly job but you do need to make your Beetroot Pickled Egg in advance, have a Google or try this recipe from Sarsons. They keep for ages - make a batch!

    Slice your Lime in half and grill it, whilst you’re doing that toast a slice of lovely Sourdough – ideally from an independent baker, generally speaking the quality is so much better.

    Cut your Avocado in half and then very thinly slice it and push it flat to cover the Sourdough Toast. Sprinkle over the Sweetcorn Salsa and crumbled Feta, slice your Beetroot Pickled Egg in half and snuggle it up against the Toast.

    Garnish with Salt and Pepper and the Coriander. Once you’ve got your Instagram picture perfect, squeeze the Lime over. The ideal drink is a Virgin/ Bloody Mary. Order a bottle of Bloody Bens Bloody Mary Mix at www.bloodybens.com


Neighbourhood loop for Battersea, Greater London