• Lesley A @Lesley4 Mod Frant - updated 2y

    The Murmur of Bees: Discussion

    This was a novel that felt to me as if it needed a good editor. Just a bit too long.

    I don’t really know what I thought - I’m on the fence - I’m not a great fan of magical realism so couldn’t quite get my head around those bees and their affinity with Simonopio. My other concern was ‘time’ - I felt as though it was all wrong. I felt Simonopio grew up too quickly, one minute being suckled at the breast, then he was a youth, but at the same time the daughter’s wedding preparations were still ongoing. Am I alone in thinking the author messed up her timelines a bit, and I’m not referring to the zigzagging backwards and forwards?

    Having been negative so far, I did actually quite enjoy the book. The bits about the Spanish Flu were horribly relevant to today! I enjoyed the Mexican historical setting and quite liked the style of writing.

    I’ll be very interested in what others think. Maybe I’ll be swayed off the fence.

Book club

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