• Niche @Niche Mod Palmers Green - updated 4y

    Slugs & Snails ! ! !

    I discovered today that the slugs & snails have mostly demolished my newly germinated edibles.
    How on earth did they find their way into my mini greenhouse?!
    I've been informed they do not like to crawl on gravel but that did not stop them acting like juveniles.
    Is there anything else I can do?
    My organic slug pellets are at my allotment but I am usually reluctant to use them and doesn't seem right that I would need them in a mini greenhouse.

Allotment and Edible Gardening

This allotment and edible gardening group is to talk to like minded individuals about their experiences and plans, to exchange ideas, get advice, sharing of seeds, plugs, etc. - essentially, anything to do with allotment or edible gardening. I am also hoping we can meet up, perhaps in turns, at each other's plots. This group is open to anyone anywhere with an allotment or a keen interest in learning about allotment culture and edible gardening. As it is a relatively new group, we will also need to see how it evolves organically - very much my style of gardening, as chemical free and organic as possible :-) So far, so good ...do sign up, you'll be most welcome.