• Neill R @NeillReed Woodside Park - updated 4y

    Royal Free Trust needs your help

    During these very difficult times, some of you may be aware of the practical work Finchley Victoria Bowling & Croquet Club is doing. They wished to be productive in helping the community further, by helping the ‘NHS Frontline workers’. They have been in regular contact with the ‘Royal Free Trust’ to identify what practical help they would be able to provide and assist them with. They identified that they needed Computer Tablets, along with smart phones so that isolated, sadly some dying patients can ‘face time’ conversations with their families at a time when they need to engage with them most. To date they have collected welcome donations to fund the purchase of 7 Tablets and 6 smart phones and delivered them to The Royal Free and Barnet Hospitals. However, they need more

    If you have any smart phones and or tablets that you no longer use hiding away in draws or cupboards, dig them out and donate them, or send a small donation. If you can help, get in touch with Gary on 07956 546457 or garybargroff@btinternet.com at Finchley Victoria Bowling & Croquet Club he will happily to make arrangements with you so that he can deliver them to the hospitals.

Woodside Park

Neighbourhood loop for Woodside Park, Greater London