• Niche @Niche Palmers Green - 4y

    Recommendation needed for someone who can repair my existing CCTV system

    I just phoned up a CCTV company as I need to 'fix' my CCTV system but they do no repair old systems, only install new ones.
    I am able to view it on my TV but the timer setting is out of sync.
    I am unable to view it on my PC/mobile....it is failing to find the device.
    The company who installed it has dissolved!!
    Could someone please give me a recommendation of someone, based on personal experience, who could help me out and I also need a camera physically adjusted because next door have moved it - if I move it back myself, it'll likely just become a ping pong match plus I am unable to download any images, so would gain no interest on any untoward behaviour.

Palmers Green

Neighbourhood loop for Palmers Green, Greater London