• Please respect keyworkers

    Keyworkers come in all shapes and sizes and we are asking residents to respect them all.

    The most recognisable keyworkers during the coronavirus public health crisis have been NHS and health care workers as well as the emergency services. However, council staff have been working throughout the crisis and are also classified as vital keyworkers to keep services running.

    As well as the staff working behind the scenes assessing business grants, addressing increased need in adult social care and providing critical services, the council has staff out and about on the borough’s streets everyday.

    They are classified as keyworkers and have been working each day to provide the same level of waste, recycling and green bin collection, as before the crisis, tending to parks, verges, fixing potholes and cleaning..

    Residents are asked to adhere to the government guidelines when encountering council staff and stay a minimum of two metres away.

    Josie Wragg, chief executive, said: “Unfortunately, some of out staff feel members of the public have got too close to them and made them feel unsafe.

    “We are grateful to our workforce which has continued to provide significant services during this public health crisis.

    “Council workers have performed a sterling job and have the right to carry it out without encountering abuse or being put in danger. Therefore we ask residents to observe social distancing and allow them continue to work in safety. Please help them to help you.”


Neighbourhood loop for Burnham, Buckinghamshire