• Hedgehog T @HedgehogT Fulmer - updated 4y

    Plans for Harrow Market Roundabout demolition (change to Lights)

    The Harrow Market junction is being altered AGAIN...

    ....to a “future proof” traffic lights junction. This year.

    here are the photos of the leaflet that came through my door.

    in an un specified “future” they want to put traffic lights in by Costa/Doctors surgery on the side road (that’s a far worse side road pedestrian area to cross at present )

    Pity the poor Langley Hall kids/parents who will get all the pollution from the works followed by even more car engines idling outside their playground (don’t know if the school have been made aware of this).

    And I hope they will retain the Langley Village yellow sign that’s in the roundabout.... this is not going to make the village prettier, is it!.....


Neighbourhood loop for Fulmer, Buckinghamshire