• Duncan B @DuncanB Roehampton - updated 5y

    NHS checks for Health Tourists

    8,900 checks have been taken across London on NHS patients whereby they checked 2 x types of ID to ensure the patients were not health tourists. Apparently "only" 50 of these patients were not eligible for free care. I think 50 people is still quite a lot in the grand scheme of things - 8,900 is not a big target group. Campaigners are asking the government to repeal the pilot as it is a "waste of time". I truly do not believe it to be a waste of time at all - we need a deterrent, quickly! https://www.standard.co.uk/news/health/8900-checks-on-nhs-health-tourists-find-just-50-liable-to-pay-a3850121.html#ICID=IYA


Neighbourhood loop for Roehampton, Greater London