• Robin Bird @adler Cowley - updated 6mo

    Green For Danger

    Here are some facts culled from Andrew Neil’s piece in last Saturdays (7/10/23) Daily Mail.
    While one may not subscribe to his views, experience has shown that he has a very good and reliable research team.
    Most members are familiar with my pessimistic views on the future of Planet Earth, but even I was appalled at these facts.
    FACT 1
    Paul Johnson of the IFS, despite previous denials, now admits that the cost to the UK of going “green” will be £’s trillions, most of which will fall upon the poorest in our society.
    FACT 2
    France has ruled out the banning of gas boilers and will not commit to a date for ceasing to use fossil fuels.
    FACT 3
    Germany is recommissioning several coal fired generating plants and already has 7 out of 10 of the most polluting coal generating stations in the EU.
    FACT 4
    The UK is responsible for ONLY 1% of global Co2 emissions, a fact well known but worth repeating.
    FACT 5
    China, the world’s biggest polluter, and responsible for 32% of global Co2 emissions is giving planning permission for two new coal fired generating plants EVERY WEEK, and in 2022 approved a further 106GW of coal fired power capacity.
    China now has 243GWs of coal fired power capacity (1 GW = 1 power plant) planned or under construction.
    FACT 6
    India, the second largest polluter, is also building more coal fired power plants.
    FACT 7
    America, which has the third largest coal-fired generating capacity, if it were to close it all down now that capacity would soon be entirely replaced by China.
    FACT 8
    Also building new coal fired generating plants are, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Philippines, S. Korea, and Vietnam.
    FACT 9
    The Asia- Pacific now accounts 80% of global coal demand.
    Can any member please explain to me how it makes any sense for the costs of the present policy, that are being passed on to the hard pressed tax payer, for a global reduction of Co2 that is insignificant.
    Consider that were the banning of gas boilers to be in place now, and that your present boiler needed replacement it would cost you about £2,000 for a similar appliance but £20,000 for a heat pump.
    Surely it is time to put the present policy on hold until better financial conditions apply.

Anything !

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