• Get your entries in for the Slough Horticultural Show!

    Make a date in your diary for the Slough Horticultural Show on Saturday 17 August in Lascelles Park, between 11am and 5pm - there will be lots to see and do.

    There is still time to get your entries in, there are competitions for the best home grown produce including vegetables and flowers, and best home made items, including cakes, knitted items and clothing. For keen photographers, there is a photography competition. There are also classes for children to enter their home grown produce and home made wares.
    Schools and youth groups can take part in the challenge to create a scarecrow that depicts a child’s film or book character. The scarecrow can be made using any materials and should be brought along on the day for judging.
    All produce classes will be judged by professional horticultural judges and will take place earlier in the day. Best in show will be awarded at 4.30pm and there will be the opportunity to buy any produce that has been entered into the competitions that have not been collected or claimed by their owners after this time.

    This year providing entertainment we have:

    • Arbor the 18ft puppet
    • Elite Drummers
    • Michelle B
    • Datchet Border Morris dancers
    • British Airways brass band
    • Solid steel acoustic trio (steel band).

    Haley Baldwin, from Slough Allotment Federation, said: “This is the second year of the show and we are hoping to build on the success of last year. This is a family event and I am looking forward to seeing all the competition entries from Slough residents. We have excellent entertainment this year for everyone, from a steel band to the mobile farm, and we look forward to seeing the community join us on the day.”

    Cllr Natasa Pantelic, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “This is the second year we are supporting Slough Allotment Federation with this family event. There is such a variety of competitions and entertainment, and there really is something for everyone. If you haven’t entered already there are competitions you can still enter with everything from photography to baking or brewing and a special section of classes especially for children, so the whole family can get involved.”

    For further information, email sloughhorticulturalshow@gardener.com or visit www.slough.gov.uk/sloughshow


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