• Neill R @NeillReed Woodside Park - 4y

    Foodbanks are a lifeline for those who rely on the donations to feed their families

    Foodbanks are a lifeline for those who rely on the donations to feed their families and demand for foodbank services has already gone up. This is only going to grow as the number of people who unexpectedly find themselves without a regular or reduced income increases.
    We believe that working together makes the biggest difference. That’s why the Co-op will be making it as easy as possible for customers and members to get involved by donating:

    By text – donating £10 to FareShare by texting MEALS to 70490
    In the Co-op Food stores through new bar codes at the till point you can donate (50p, £1, £2 or £5 goes to FareShare)

    Thanks for helping

Woodside Park

Neighbourhood loop for Woodside Park, Greater London