• Earn some money in your free time by taking part in Market Research

    Hi <br> <br>I will be joining the Business Directory but as we need consumers as well as businesses, I wanted to say hello and give you our website in case you want to earn some extra cash in your spare time by giving your opinions on products and services you use or even on illnesses you are or have experienced. <br> <br>Please just leave your email address at www.marketresearch4u.co.uk or pass this to your friends, family, old or young. <br> <br>When you receive our project adverts you will see when and where the project is taking place and, at the moment, many are taking place online or as a telephone call so very easy to take part. <br> <br>Consumer projects usually pay from £50 for 1 hour <br> <br>Business projects usually pay from £80 for 1 hour <br> <br>www.marketresearch4u.co.uk