• Lesley A @Lesley4 Mod Frant - updated 7mo

    Disgrace by JM Coetzee : Discussion

    I really enjoyed this one. I thought it was an interesting and disturbing story, full of complicated characters who challenge you to like them.

    I thought it was a very pessimistic view of S. Africa and its struggles. I don’t know whether things are any better now.

    I know there was a lot of symbolism attached to the dogs in the book but never quite got my head round it.

    I can see why it won The Booker prize. What did you think?

Book club

This group is for people who like to read a book and discuss it with others. We will choose a book each month from titles suggested by members of the group. We will then return for an on-line discussion at a pre selected date which will be 6 weeks later. Important that we suggest books which are readily available, not too expensive, and not too long.

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