• Lesley A @Lesley4 Mod Frant - updated 3y

    Discussion of ‘Wait until Spring Bandini’ by John Fante

    Mmm, not sure what to make of this book. I’m always glad to read a new author and I’ve heard Fante compared to John Steinbeck whose work I really love- can’t say I’d agree. Found this novel very slow, particularly at the beginning and rather depressing. That doesn’t normally bother me if it’s because the author has taken you fully into the reality of someone with depression. I might not enjoy the experience but it’s enlightening and you can empathise. But here I was never quite captured by any of the characters and the story itself wasn’t particularly powerful. I never really empathised. There were good bits and sometimes I thought I’m really enjoying this but that thought usually faded after a page or two. I did find the antagonism towards poorer Italians interesting - in my ignorance, not something I’d been aware of.

    I don’t think I’ll be buying another Fante work, but still glad I gave it a try.

Book club

This group is for people who like to read a book and discuss it with others. We will choose a book each month from titles suggested by members of the group. We will then return for an on-line discussion at a pre selected date which will be 6 weeks later. Important that we suggest books which are readily available, not too expensive, and not too long.

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