• TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - updated 4y

    Asda Havant

    I went shopping in Asda Havant today and it was one of the most relaxed shopping trips I have had. It was not crowded and no panic buying. It was very well organised: one door in and another out with a well-spaced queue to enter; I had to wait less than ten minutes. Customers were counted in and out to prevent overcrowding. There was a one-way system in the shop and a single well-spaced queue for checkouts. An assistant called the till number when there was a space. Alternate tills were closed to help maintain distance between customers. Most things were in stock although some empty shelves (no toilet paper or flour, but plenty of hand cleaner and paracetamol) and the shelves were being restocked.

    I also had a conversation with the cashier, unlike my visit the week before last when there was silence.

    There was an announcement asking customers to shop later in the day.

    I have just heard on the BBC news that some supermarkets are relaxing restrictions on the number of items that can be bought by a single customer.

Anthill Common

Neighbourhood loop for Anthill Common, Hampshire