• Sue L @SueL1 Wimbledon - updated 4y

    A extract from a letter written by a ICU nurse in NYC

    Reading this very open & honest account of working with the very ill Covid 19 patients will hopefully make anyone not following the U.K. lockdown realise how bad it can get & is getting in the UK...how many more lives lost before the people sunbathing in parks.. playing sport... going out to shops more than necessary or any other outings, visiting family friends etc before those people realise that this awful killer virus doesn’t care who its victims are & the fact they suffer so badly from the awful affects of it till they eventually die alone or if lucky just the ICU nurse by their side.

    Stay safe.. Stay at Home.

    Part one( part two in comments)
    This was posted by my
    Facebook friend In USA who’s relative is a nurse who wrote this who has left her family to go and help the dying people in NYC as the numbers are so high.

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